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Enlarged Photograph of
the Classic Stepping Device
Classic Stepper
(please specify type of probe / ultrasound system from the list below))
SeeDOS Code Description
1400 For Siemens probe
4900 For Kretz/Medison probe
5700 For Aloka probe
5800 For Hitachi probe
8500 Universal B & K , accepts either
B & K 8551 or 8558 probes
8551 For 8551 B & K probe
8558 For 8558 B & K probe
A - Carriage Bracket Front B - Stepper Base Plate C- Probe Carriage-Forward D - Stepper Carriage Knob E- Carriage Scale Marker F- Carriage Scale G - Carriage Bracket-Rear H - Grid Rail Handle I - Grid Rails
J - Grid Rail Locking Knob |
K - Gear Rack L - Probe Carriage Rear M - Probe Cradle Handle N- Probe Cradle O- Probe Latch P- Rotation Scale Q- Universal Platform Base R- Grid Platform Locking Knobs S - Grid Mounting Platform T - Template Grid
Classic Stepper
Classic Steppe is a lightweight, state-of-the-art precision stepping device which is ideally matched to the Brachystand™, and through a modular design system is adaptable to a variety of transrectal ultrasound probes.
• Brachytherapy, the implantation of radioactive seeds is rapidly becoming the treatment of choice in the fight against localized prostate cancer.
If you are interested in any of the products mentioned here, please complete a Quotation Request Form or an
Enquiry Form so that we may promptly respond to your detailed request.
Please contact Colin Walters at cwalters@seedos.com if you would like further information or you have questions
or comments about this web site. SeeDOS Ltd, 26, The Maltings, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 4BS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1525 850 670 • Fax: +44 1525 850 685
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