Seed, wire and other brachytherapy source measurement systems This first and most complete product offering provides instruments for handling, measurement and calibration of a wide range of brachytherapy isotopes and source types. A large selection of instruments is also available for implant applications and for radiation safety. NEW (April 2003) IVB 1000 Well Chamber and all and latest Inserts, pdf brochure NEW (April 2003) Prostate Brachytherapy Instruments, pdf brochure For a pictorial listing of available Cable Connectors, please click here
I-125 RAPID Strand / I-125 Seed Activity Check Measurement System, SeeDOS Code Number BRS 5A This is a brachytherapy ion chamber and electrometer with inserts specifically designed for use, under sterile conditions with either I-125 RAPID Strand, while the seeds remain in the spacing jig, or with sterile loose I-125 Seeds. NIST traceable ADCL well chamber calibrations are available for all source types and configurations. NEW (End of January 2003)HDR1000 Well Chamber Brachytherapy Source Calibration pdf Brochure - showing available inserts The photograph shows the HDR 1000 Plus Well Chamber and Electrometer with a source holder (code 70023) to take I-125 RAPID Strand and loose seeds, source holders for other brachytherapy sources including Ir-192 HDR and LDR point sources and wires are also shown.
NOTE: A system is now available to measure 10 strand seeds simultaneously, please go to IVB Measurement System The equipment with the appropriate source holder/insert provides a quick and convenient QA measurement of I-125 RAPID Strand or sterile loose I-125 Seeds, prior to loading the implant needles. The chamber and electrometer are small and portable and can be used in or near the operating theatre under sterile conditions. The range of other source measurement configurations includes: (please click on topic below to go to detail) Source Holders for use with the HDR 1000 plus Well Chamber Source Holder for seed batch assay, SeeDOS Code 70022 I-125 RAPID Strand™ Source Holder, SeeDOS Code 70023 Source Holder for Measurements of Loaded MICK™ Magazine Cartridges, SeeDOS Code 70024 Source holder for Bard EXPRESS Seeding Cartridge, SeeDOS Code 70032 Source Holder for Low Dose Rate 192 Ir Ribbon Seeds, SeeDOS Code 70009 Source Holder for Measurement of Iridium Wire Coils, SeeDOS Code 70022 Source Holder for Caesium-137 sources, SeeDOS Code 70020 Source Holder for Caesium Remote Afterloading, SeeDOS Code 70003 Source Holder for Measurement of Metastron™ (Strontium-89 Chloride Injection), SeeDOS Code 70026 One Inch Lead Shielding Ring, SeeDOS Code 70025 Click here for a detailed pdf outlining the HDR1000/Max 4000 Chamber / Electrometer System NIST traceable ADCL well chamber calibrations are available for all source types and configurations. To identifying the correct Source Holder for use with the Seeds / Wires or other brachytherapy sources utilized by your facility please go to the source/holder compatability chart
For an Electrometer for use with your Ion Chamber and Source Holders please click here For a pictorial listing of available Cable Connectors, please click here (pdf) To order please go to order form / product list If you are interested in any of the products mentioned here, please complete a Quotation Request Form or an Enquiry Form so that we may promptly respond to your detailed request.